8 Reasons Why IVF is so Challenging

  As difficult as this topic is for so many, acknowledgment of fertility struggles and IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) is vital for those undergoing it. 1 in 6 couples struggle with infertility yet this topic often lurks in the shadows of whispered conversations. Embarking on the path of IVF isn’t just a medical procedure – […]

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Enhance your Mind & Body with Science-backed Techniques

Did you know… You can unlock the potential for holistic healing by tapping into a resource often overlooked – your body’s innate wisdom. This isn’t a fad or a gimmick – it’s a proven method supported by scientific research. Here’s what you need to know… Your body speaks its own unique language. Hidden within you […]

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6 Natural Ways to Calm your Anxious Heart

There are natural ways to calm your anxious heart — no medication necessary! There you are having normal day when suddenly you start to notice your body taking over. Your heartbeat begins to quicken. Your breathing gets short and tight. You feel a little tingly and fluttery inside, but not in a good way. Your […]

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Panic Attacks: 11 Tips to Flip the Switch

You feel panicky for no reason. It comes out of nowhere… Your heart is pounding out of your chest. Your breath is shallow and quick. Your body feels like it’s overheating. You can’t think straight – the world is spinning. You’re dizzy and scared. You feel trapped in your body, out of control… and you […]

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The Top 10 Reasons Why you Suffer (& what you can do about it)…

Why am I so hard on myself? Have you ever considered why you suffer or what you can do about it? Here goes the MindBodyWise top 10 list of why you suffer, followed by remedies for each… suf·fer·ing: noun. Pronounced: ˈsəf(ə)ring; Defined as: the state of undergoing pain, distress, or hardship. 1. Expectations: You predicted a situation […]

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8 Tools to Get Control of your Anxiety

It’s time to learn tangible tools to control your anxiety, so that it stops controlling you! Feeling anxious is uncomfortable, painful and difficult to manage in every which way. Your body is on overdrive. You can’t think straight. Everything feels like it’s crashing down at any moment and you just can’t stop the chaos. The […]

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12 Super Healthy Ways to Worry

Do you ruminate, obsess or worry about bad things happening? If you’re a worrier, you’re a member of a very large club. The worst things about worrying are: it feels awful in so many ways, it keeps you from enjoying the moment and it begets more worrying! In order to worry well, it helps to […]

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3 Exercises for Flowing with your Fear

There’s no such thing as “getting rid of fear” just like there’s no such thing “getting rid of having feelings” (learn more about the value of fully feeling your feelings HERE). You are human, therefore you have fear. You are stuck with fear, but it doesn’t have to own you. In fact, fear can be a […]

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13 Quick things you can do to be Less Anxious

Let’s face it – feeling anxious is uncomfortable in our bodies, our minds and in our hearts. We are at dis-ease when we are anxious and our whole system feels the impact of it. The thing is, you don’t have to sit and wait for it to pass. You don’t have to stew in your […]

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6 Seconds to Stress Relief…really!

6 seconds to stress relief. Did you know that hugs are a natural stress reliever? How cool is that?! Hugging for only 6 seconds releases dopamine — the feel-good hormone — in both the hugger and the “huggie” (is that even a word?). A few more words about hugs and your health… Hugs reduce cortisol […]

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