Breaking the Cycle: Overcoming Self-Blame in the IVF Journey

One of the most challenging hurdles to overcome in infertility and IVF is the pervasive feeling of self-blame. Whether you’re grappling with infertility, failed cycles, losses/miscarriages or other setbacks along the way, if you’re going through IVF you may find yourself consumed by feelings of guilt, shame, and self-doubt. Following are some possible explanations for […]

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12 Tips to Adapt to Anything Life Throws at You

You can’t always change what’s going on around you, you do have the power to change what’s going on within you. You’re a product of your past, your environment, your interactions, and your choices. Some of these elements are within your control and many are not. No one goes through life without a scratch. You […]

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Making Peace with Pain

You know it and I know it: PAIN IS NO FUN! If given the choice, it would be very difficult to turn down a life of a pain-free existence, right?! However, there is no magic healing wand – sorry! And, this may sound nuts, but our pain can offer us powerful and often profound life […]

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