THIS Works Better than Positive Thinking

You’ve probably heard plenty about positive thinking, but does it work? Positive thinking and having a positive mindset is all the rage right now. It’s also at the heart of a lot of shaming. Just thinking positively will NOT cure your cancer. Just thinking positively will NOT get you pregnant, land you the job you […]

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Learning to say ‘No’: How to Set Guilt-Free Healthy Boundaries

Want to learn to say no without feeling guilty and set healthy boundaries in your life?  When do you start putting your needs before others? To live a full, authentic and joyful life, personal boundaries are a must. Most people don’t get lessons on how to set personal, emotional and physical boundaries. There are no boundary-setting […]

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5 Ways to be More Courageous

Being more courageous means.. Do you fear … Speaking your truth? Trying new things? Being your authentic self? Exploring the unknown? Going for your dreams with all you’ve got? “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have […]

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