Stress Less Reset


A self-guided retreat to access your inner calm…

The train is delayed and you’re late for work.
Your toddler hasn’t slept in over a week (neither have you!).
You have 76 unanswered emails in your inbox.
Your husband is angry with you.
You lost your job.

Life happens to all of us.

And sometimes – most of the time – we have little control over it.

What do we do? Should we live in a constant state of stress and anxiety? No. Of course not.

The truth:

You CAN’T think your way out of being stuck, stressed, alone or depressed. If you’re having a stress meltdown, there’s no magic mantra that’s going to make it stop. But…You CAN train your body and your mind to respond in a way that helps you feel how you want to feel.

So, how do you manage your body and mind when it’s running you over?
How do you stop the spinning when you feel like your life is spiraling out of control?

To reduce your stress, you don’t need to:

  • change everything in your life.
  • read every self-help book that was ever written.
  • spend thousands of dollars at an exotic spa.
  • move to deserted island that has no Facebook.
  • go on an Eat, Pray, Love adventure across the world.
  • escape the life you’re in now to enjoy the life you’re currently in.

Change doesn’t have to be extreme to be meaningful.

You just need to make a few small tweaks, learn some new tools and gain the ability to begin tuning into your body in new ways. To help you overcome stress, and starting feeling good again, I’ve created a meaningful, comprehensive personal retreat for you. It’s called the Stress Less Reset. (No pills necessary).

Take a moment to imagine your life without stress…

How would YOU be different?
How would your life be different?
What would life be like if you could show up more present and open-hearted?
What does a life without overwhelm and exhaustion feel like?

You can feel this way starting today.

For $25 (less than a cup of coffee a day)…you can begin your journey inward toward calm.

You can renew, refresh, and reconnect starting now.

What’s included in the Stress Less Reset?

10 doses of stress relief delivered straight to your inbox over the next 14 days.

In these emails, you’ll receive concrete tools to help support you through your stress detox. I’ve included written content, audio recordings and optional journaling exercises to further deepen your awareness and expand your capacity to experience freedom and joy in your mind, body and life.

You can go in as deeply as you decide to go, at your pace, in the comfort of your own home.

You only get one mind, one body, one life. Together, let’s create calm.

Click button to go to Paypal now for a one-time payment of $25

P.S. Joy emerges from honoring and integrating all of who you are. Bon voyage…


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