10 Gifts of Inspiration for You…

10 Gifts of Inspiration for you. In 2015, I posted over 140 times to Instagram. Most of what I post includes a quote or insight of some kind, that many have said is inspiring. So, I’ve collected the posts that got the majority of “likes” (and ones that I like the best) to share with you here.

I hope you find inspiration and motivation from them. Feel free to use them re-post them, share them and make them part of your life.

By the way, you can see all of my Instagram posts here and follow me, if you feel so inspired.

P.S. Sometimes these reminders are all we need to shift our mood or perspective. Don’t underestimate the power of words.


giving gifts of inspiration

how do I feel at peace    getting enough courage

opportunity for change   live from the heart

how to start thinking positive    be aware of your surroundings

how to heal my pain   I want to have more fun in life

nourish your mind   how to develop a growth mindset