“What’s something you didn’t know existed before that now you can’t imagine living without?” asked my brilliant, lovely, talented friend Marsha (of Yes Yes Marsha) on Facebook.
Most people, including me, posted a lot of technology-related stuff (Netflix, Internet, Fitbits etc.).
However, later in the day, while doing a brief self body scan (as I often do throughout the day) Marsha’s question came to mind again. I realized that beyond my iPhone and my SodaStream (which I really do love!), what I didn’t [used to] know existed and now I can’t live without is: being able to listen to the language of my body; translating my “body-language” into guidance for my over all life.
My body has a wealth of information to share and in its own way, it communicates.
Sounds so weird, right?
But the more I do this mind-body work, the more easily I can pay attention, listen and interpret what my body is telling me. My body has a language of it’s own (so does yours!) and when I listen, it is a rich resource for my life. My body has taught me about myself and my relationships more than any other resource I have ever found (including Google!).
Learning the language of my body has been such an amazing journey. It feels like I’ve been unlocking a secret code, like a rosetta stone for my body.
My passion and purpose, is teaching others how to listen to the language of their bodies, heed it’s advice, and live more fully is my passion and my purpose. How I LOVE this work!
It may sound kooky (yeah yeah yeah – listen to your body, but how? what will that do for me? how can it help me in my life?), but it’s legit. I don’t think I would’ve believed it either, until I started getting more serious about integrating the mind-body connection (after getting a taste of it’s value through yoga) into my personal and professional work. Then, later, I had my first yoga therapy session and I was hooked. That’s when I really began to make direct connections between my body and the different aspects of myself and my life.
Everything is connected – mind, body, emotions, thoughts, outlook, perspective, and health.
The reason I love what I do is that I see how much the ability to learn body awareness and emotional connection changes perspective, attitude, behavior and over all well-being. Maybe it sounds over-the-top, but this work changes lives. I feel so privileged to get to do it.
With the knowledge of your body, you have agency over so many other aspects of your life.
For all of you who have trusted me enough to dive into this work with me, thank you. Because of you I get to do what I love in supporting you with becoming your best self.
It’s been right here all along. No Steve Jobs needed. Just you, your body and some tools to interpret it.
P.S. Your turn: What’s something that you didn’t know existed before that now you can’t imagine living without? Hit reply and let me know!